Start End Date : 2023-2023
Location : Turkey-Istanbul-Bakirkoy
Construction Area : 2000 m2
Employer : Bayburt Grup A.Ş
The 9 km long Bablirköy – Bahçelievler – Kirazlı Subway Line connects the districts of Bakırköy, Bahçelievler, Güngören and Bağcılar. Bakırköy – Bahçelievler – Kirazli Subway line serves 70 thousand passengers in one direction per hour and consists of 8 stations. The finalisations of the rough construction of Bakırköy İncirli North Station, which is next to Life plaza shopping mall, and the rough manufacturing of the shaft located in the incirli north station were completed by Eracar Grup İnş. Tic. Ltd. Şti. has been completed.